10 facts about Danny
1. He is 23 years old even though he only looks like he is 16
2. He works the night shift at Winco
3. He served a mission in Pittsburgh
4. A lot of the places he takes me to eat are usually Brazilian or Hawaiian. Haha kinda random but hey they are all extremely delicious and I am addicted to everyone of them!
5. He doesn't like to be called Danny-Boy. At All!
6. He loves Power Rangers and his favorite one is the green one
7. If he could have any super power it would be some Ice power (that I don't really understand) or to fly (We tried to fly riding the Skycoaster at Lagoon! It was way fun!)
8. His favorite sport is Hockey (Which will most definitely be changed to basketball :) )
9. Favorite candy is pretty much anything gummy
10. He likes to play a game called "Fedex". (When you see a Fedex truck you have to yell out "Fedex!" to get a point, who ever gets the most points wins!) And of course I'm up for any competition so we play it ALL the time:)
Pretty much Danny and I fit together. We're both kinda weird, shy, but funny at the same time. We have only been dating since March but we have decided to get married on September 24th in the Draper temple! We both feel like it's the right thing for us both and we cannot wait! There is only 100 days exactly left but who is counting right?:)
Our wedding plans are coming along great and everything is falling into place. We bought some furniture for a apartment/house but the only problem is we need a apartment/house to put it all in so we've been on the hunt for one! I'm not going to lie I don't enjoy looking for them. Haha there are a lot of decisions to be made and I get nervous that we're going to make a bad choice but I know that whatever we choose will be great and we will love it.
It's kinda crazy how everything is happening so fast but I wouldn't change it! He is my best friend and I love him to the moon and back and nothing will ever change that!:)