Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our Freakin Awesome Outfits!!!!

So me and my best friend Kristian decided a while ago that we were going to buy these outfits but it never really happened. Until last week when we went to Rue 21 and found my pink pants!!!! We were so excited we had to buy them! And they were only ten bucks so we really had to buy them! After that we went to the mall and found our shirts and Kristian's pants. We can't wait until we wear them to school haha! that's going to be a fun day!! :)


  1. Yeah! You are finally a blogger!! Fun times!
    You and Kristian do look pretty awesome in your new outfits! Good job!
    Love ya!
    Mum :)

  2. Sweet pants! They are FANTASTIC!!!!!!! Yeah for blogging!!


  3. You guys are insane!
    I can't wait until you wear your outfits to school. :)
